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Approximate running time: 110 minutes.
Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:
When you are making the opening lead, you face a dilemma
similar to ones encountered by fictional detectives such as
Sherlock Holmes. You have a chance to assemble and
evaluate clues and make deductions that can allow you to
make an effective opening lead.
Although consistently making a logical opening lead is challenging,
no area of bridge will be as critical in determining your fate on the deal.
There is no question that of all the 52 cards played in a bridge deal,
by far the most important one is the choice of opening lead.
This lesson is GUARANTEED to improve your opening leads.
It will also help you avoid the poorly chosen opening leads
that would make declarer delighted that he was playing against YOU!
In this lesson, Marty will discuss:
Opening leads vs. all contracts
Opening leads vs. notrump contracts
Opening leads vs. suit contracts
Here is an example of what Marty will teach:
North |
South |
1♦ |
1♥ |
1♠ |
2♦ |
3♥ |
4♥ |
Both sides are vulnerable.
As West you hold: ♠ A 4 3 ♥ A 2 ♦ 8 6 5 4 ♣ J 10 9 2
What do you lead against the opponents' 4♥ contract?
What do you know about dummy's distribution?
His jump to 3♥ must be based on having 3 hearts and a very strong unbalanced hand.
Why unbalanced? If he had a strong balanced hand,
he would either open 1NT or jump to 2NT at his second turn.
Therefore he must be very short in clubs.
And if he has a singleton club along with his known 4 spades and 3 hearts,
he must have 5 diamonds.
Declarer's 2♦ preference promises at least 3 diamonds.
With your 4 diamonds and dummy's 5 diamonds,
you can be sure that your partner can't have more than one.
You also have a count on everyone's number of hearts.
Dummy has 3 and you have 2.
If declarer had 6 hearts, he would have made an immediate weak jump shift,
or rebid them after dummy rebid 1♠.
So, your partner has 3 hearts.
Aha! Having done your detective work, you are now ready
to confidently make the opening lead of a diamond.
Since you have the ♠A entry, you should make the suit-preference lead of the ♦8.
Here is the full deal:
North |
West (You) |
East |
South |
Declarer will win the diamond and lead a trump,
but you'll grab your ♥A and continue with the ♦6.
East will ruff and lead a spade to your ♠A.
You will lead another diamond. East will ruff again.
So declarer is down one.
With any other opening lead, the defense has no chance.
By the way: With your 2 aces + 4 diamonds,
knowing that your partner had to have 3 hearts and 0-1 diamond,
I would have doubled 4♥. Not only would that have increased the penalty,
but, although your partner couldn't have a strong hand,
if he had the ♠K or ♣A, that would have resulted in a juicy +500 for your side.
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