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Fun Way To Better Bridge

SKU: 3942
Regular price $8.45
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No Further Discount

Author: Harry Lampert

Make yourself a winner at the bridge table. Have all the important tools at your fingertips for successful card play. Starting from ground zero, this book gives you the solutions to the problems you meet every day as a declarer or a defender.

From the basics of cashing high cards in the right order, establishing lower ranking honors, finessing techniques and handling long suits, a foundation is created for winning play in both suit and notrump contracts.

Fun Way To Better Bridge

SKU: 3942
Regular price $8.45
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Retail Price $16.95

Sale Price $8.45

No Further Discount

Author: Harry Lampert

Make yourself a winner at the bridge table. Have all the important tools at your fingertips for successful card play. Starting from ground zero, this book gives you the solutions to the problems you meet every day as a declarer or a defender.

From the basics of cashing high cards in the right order, establishing lower ranking honors, finessing techniques and handling long suits, a foundation is created for winning play in both suit and notrump contracts.