World's Leading Retailer of Books & Supplies for the Game of Bridge
Duplicate Score Chart

Duplicate Score Chart

This chart contains scoring for duplicate bridge. Each column is in a different color (black, red, blue) for ease of finding the score you need.

    The chart shows the following:
  • Contract Made, Not Vulnerable, Vulnerable
  • Defeated Contract, Down, Not vulnerable, Vulnerable
  • International Matchpoints
  • 30 Victory Points Scale
  • 20 Victory Points Scale

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  • Baron Barclay

    Hi Diane,

    Are you looking for a traveler? If so, you can look under the “Scoring + Forms” section of our store, or search for “traveler” in the search bar. I hope that helps!

  • Baron Barclay

    Hi Linda,

    It sounds like you may be looking for the padded private score. You can click shop the store and find this item under the “scoring + forms” section, or just search “padded private score” in the search bar at the top of the site. I hope that helps!

  • Diane Curnayn

    Need score sheet for 20 pairs(5table)

  • Linda Sheaffer

    Trying to find tablet of score sheets which I put into a lovely carrier that has many plastic folders to hold convention cards of friends I play with. The score sheets are tablets with a cardboard backing at the end of the score sheets. The cardboard fits into a small pocket at the back of my carrier. Do you have these tablets anymore. On each sheet, which can be torn off, it says Baron Barclay Bridge Supply 1-800-274-2221 and beside that #8361.
    Could you please let me know if you carry these. My friend and I would both like to order a bunch. The carrier is not usable if you cannot get the score sheets mounted on the cardboard.

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