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Baron Barclay Blog
"Oh Hell" a Gateway Game to Bridge
Bridge is a game of strategy, skill, and countless nuances that can seem daunting to beginners. However, there’s a simpler card game that serves as a perfect introduction: “Oh Hell.”...
A Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning All-Plastic Bridge Cards
It’s a universal truth; over time, any extensively handled item accumulates a layer of unavoidable grime, and playing cards are no exception. Oils, dirt, and residues adhere to the surface,...
Canasta & Hand and Foot
For those accustomed to the intricate strategies and nuanced gameplay of Bridge, exploring other card games can be an enlightening and enjoyable venture. Two such games that might capture the...
Duplicate Score Chart
This chart contains scoring for duplicate bridge. Each column is in a different color (black, red, blue) for ease of finding the score you need.The chart shows the following: Contract...